Dancing Nightly




STARTING Friday, July 17th

4 o'clock





J's lounge

OPEN 12:00 2:00 P.M.

7 days a week



Equal Pay For Comparable Work

WASHINGTON, D.C. (MOHR) The U.S. Supreme Court handed an important victory to women battling to establish the principle that women should get equal pay for jobs of comparable to work performed by men.

In writing the majority opinion in a 5 to 4 decision issued in early June, Justice William Brennan said that a woman may file a sex discrimination suit under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, even though no higher paid man at her workplace did "equal or substantially equal work." The court thus opened the doors to women seeking to prove that low wages are the products of sex discriminations are

"This is a very hopeful decision for us," said Eleanor Smeal, National Organization for Women (NOW) President. "It was a very tough thing for us to show equal work because women are frequently in jobs that only women do or that women primarily do. Now that nearly impossible standard is removed.

The decision came in a case filed by Alberta Gunther and three other former matrons at the county jail in Hillsboro, Oregon who found themselves stymied by the equal pay for equal work requirement. Female guards were $525 to $668 a month while male guards ranged from $701 to $940 a month, but their jobs were not the same. Male guards supervised more prisoners than the matrons who did more clerical, cooking, and cleaning chores..

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 forbids employers from paying lower wages to workers of one sex than they are paid to workers of the other sex for "equal work" requiring "equal skill, effort, and responsibility. Exceptions were provided for wage differences due to seniority or merit systems, quantity or quality of production for any non-sexual factor.

The concept of equal pay for work of comparable worth has been advocated by many groups as a way of attacking notions of women's work as having lesser value than Men's work." Business and government employers argue against the comparable work" idea as costly and unworkable.

Recovery Strategies For Gay/Lesbian Alcoholics Examined


Alcoholism is reaching pandemic proportions within the gay community. It is estimated that as many as 25 percent of that population are directly affected. Ways of providing alcoholism services to members of this minority group are explored in two pamphlets published by the Gay Council on Drinking Behavior, a component of the Whitman-Walker Clinic, Inc... Washington, D.C.

One of the studies Ways to Gay Sobriety" by Thomas O. Ziebold and John E. Mongeon focuses on the treatment planning for recovery of urban gay males. The other study Alcoholism and the Lesbian Community" by Brenda Weathers examines the problems, issues, and alternatives for treatment of alcoholics in the lesbian community..

In the first study, Ziebold and Mongeon explore some of the major aspects of the reality of being homosexual that alcoholics do not manage well. Against this background, they then turn to specific recommendations for treatment planning for recovering gay alcoholics.

In the second study, Weathers examines the problems at the core of the lesbian woman's alcohol abuse and her unique

Licensed Clinical Psychologist ANDREW E. BARRER, Ph.D. Ten years experience in providing counseling and psychotheraphy to the Gay and Lesbian community. Offices in Southfield and Grosse Pointe

Approved health insurance provider; including Blue Cross Individual and relationship counseling by appointment 881-7063

treatment needs. But first she explores some of the myths and stereotypes about lesbianism that inhibit knowledge and awareness.

In reviewing the specialized treatment needs of the lesbian alcoholic, Weathers draws upon the experience of the program developed by the Alcoholism Center for Women, Inc., which was funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

The price for single copies of each pamphlet is 75 cents. For multiple-copy orders, the prices are: 3-5 copies, 65 cents; 6-15 copies, 60 cents: 16-25 copies, 55 cents; 26 or more copies, 50 cents.

Both pamphlets are available from the Gay Council on Drinking Behavior, Whitman Walker Clinic, Inc., 2335 18th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009. Phone: (202) 332-5295.C

MOHR Testifies Before State Civil Rights Commission

LANSING, MI (MOHR) The Michigan Organization for Human Rights (MOHR) was one of only three organizations that testified before the Michigan Civil Rights Commission on the issue of marital status discrimination.

MOHR urged the commission, during its public hearing held on May 19, to adopt a rule that would clearly protect from marital status discrimination in the following areas:

Housing, especially one bedroom rental units for two persons of the same sex. • Employment benefits, such as insurance coverage for a lover.

• Travel, such as airline discount fares for married couples only.

MOHR will continue to work with the Civil Rights Commission in the development of rules defining marital status discrimina-1 tion.C

Chastity Bill In U.S. Senate

NEW YORK (MOHR) One half of the teenage population of the United States refrains from pre-marital intercourse, suffering no mental or physical damage for their abstinence. The other half engages in sex outside of marriage and suffer veneral disease, unwanted pregnancies, and emotional and mental problems.

A letter writer to the New York Time recently wrote, "If abstinence and chastity work so well for half the teenage population, then let the government promote it for the

Happy Birthday Cindy Romero! Birthday celebration will be at D's Lounge (Mt. Clemens), Saturday July 8th. Refreshments will be served.

Love, Phyllis